Love inspiration

Let me take you deeper into the real work we came here for. Over the last couple of months, I have spent quite some time reading and thinking about – as well as dealing with – the paradox of feeling stuck in some of the lack and challenges in my current perception of reality versus decidedly engaging in positive thinking and being focused on the reality I want to manifest. So instead of dwelling on something I am dearly missing in my life, I dedicate time for gratitude for the beautiful people and things right around me, and engage my mind in the manifestation of the future I desire – which entails living from a place of this future already being here in the present moment. Especially on the days I wake up with my head circling around a circumstance in my life that is causing me pain, I know the only way to move forward is to engage in my practice of getting into my body (by practicing yoga or going running, or both), meditating on love and sitting with whatever comes up (thank you, Sharon Salzberg and Sarah Blondin for the beautiful meditations you put out there), and decidedly taking positive action and trusting the process.
If you would like support in that last step, one beautiful tool my dear friend Bini ? told me about yesterday on a good long walk is the 6 minute diary, with prompts to start and end your day in a good way. Absolutely worth to buy, but to get you started right away – for the morning: 1) What am I grateful for? (Be specific.) 2) What would make today great? 3) Today’s affirmation: I am…
For the evening: 4) What are 3 amazing things that happened today? 5) What I could have done today to make it even better?

If you want more food for reflection, I also listened to a talk by Craig Hamilton recently, who spoke about there being three ‘selves’ in us: the higher self, the one that can just be in the moment and experience, the evolving selfthat is always curious to grow, and the ego self that tries to keep us safe (and small). So when I notice negative self talk or thought spirals going on, I check who is speaking (usually the ego) and then gently tell it that I appreciate it trying to keep me safe – and that I still want to evolve and grow and will face whatever fear comes up and step forward for the better version of me that I am becoming. It is an everyday and constant practice, and we can either distract ourselves from it and maintain our status quo, or willingly engage with ourselves and grow (with all the growing pains that brings, I don’t want to blindside you here).
And I trust that both you and I can tap into the never-ending source of love deep inside and manifest a true abundance of everything we wish for in this life.