This week I am curious how much my perception of the world can shift when we apply a lens of love. The thing that may be annoying me in my job, the worry that I may have about my finances, the quarrel that I may have going on with a family member, the distance that I may sometimes perceive in between my partner and me, the feeling of unease about the world’s situation at large – how could I see that through a lens of love that would allow me to meet it not from a place of scarceness but from a place of I know I am enough. For me, it starts with the realisation that I am grateful for everything I have in a present moment. When I catch myself spiralling into a thought loop, I can take a few deep breaths and notice how good it feels that I can actually do that, and how the breath running through my body helps me ground. I can come back to the only real time I can ever exist in – the present moment, and make that the center of my attention. When the emotion that came with the thought has run its wave through my body, a sense of being rooted in my body reminds me that deep down I am ok, and that I am resilient and am adapting to whatever comes up in my life, determined to answer any challenge from a place of “What would love do?“. Not love as in a purely romantic notion or as a sacrifice, but love as the energy that is coming from compassion, kindness, joy, and inclusiveness (like Thich Nhat Hanh says in “No mud, no lotus”).
I am very aware of things going on in the world where many people are suffering. I am not making any of that smaller by applying a ‘love and light to you and it’s all good’ perspective. I would instead like to suggest thinking about how can we have conversations around uncomfortable conversations that are genuine, truthful, and on a foundation of compassion, kindness, and inclusiveness – such that we can create a more loving and inclusive world. That starts with our action on a small scale. I do believe we all contribute to the larger state of the world by the small individual actions we take – that means by holding and cultivating love in our hearts, we contribute to an uplifting of everyone, because deep down, we are all connected. Maybe you want to join me on this quest and remember to hold love in your heart this week whenever you feel a bit down. I am sending you lots of love.